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Xavier’s Odds to Win Big Brother 23 Suggest He’s More Likely Than Not to Take Home $750,000




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Big Brother Betting Odds Say Tiffany, Derek F. Will be Evicted During Second Double Eviction

Xavier Prather is now the odds-on favorite to win the 23rd season of Big Brother, according to betting aggregators US-Bookies. His odds to win improved from 17/10 (37% implied probability) to 1/2 (66.7%) since last week. He’s followed by Hannah Chaddha, who also improved from 9/1 (10%) to 15/2 (11.8%). 

“Xavier’s odds improving can be the result of Tiffany Mitchell being on the block this week, as she has been Xavier’s biggest threat throughout the season,” says a US-Bookies spokesperson. “Tiffany, who was previously the favorite to win the season, is now the most likely houseguest to be evicted first during the double eviction, so Xavier’s path to victory looks much clearer.” 

Tiffany is the odds-on favorite to be evicted first during this week’s double eviction. She has 1/5 odds to be sent to jury (83.3% implied probability), while Hannah Chaddha is 100/1. For the second eviction, Derek Frazier is the favorite to be sent to jury at 13/8 odds (38.1%). He’s followed by Kyland at 11/5 (31.3%). 

“Based on the odds, Kyland may go from HOH to on the block, as he has the second best odds to be the second houseguest evicted during this week’s double eviction,” says a US-Bookies spokesperson. “This can be due to the fact that the odds predict Hannah to be the next HOH.” 

Hannah is the 1/1 favorite to win the next Head of Household competition (50% implied probability). She’s followed by Xavier at 3/1 (25%) and Kyland at 17/2 (10.5%). 

Odds to Win Big Brother 23:
Xavier Prather: 1/2
Hannah Chaddha: 15/2
Kyland Young: 10/1
Tiffany Mitchell: 16/1
Derek Frazier: 25/1
Azah Awasum: 50/1

Odds to be Evicted Next on Big Brother 23:
Tiffany Mitchell: 1/5
Hannah Chaddha: 100/1

Odds to be Evicted Second on Big Brother 23:
Derek Frazier: 13/8
Kyland Young: 11/5
Hannah Chaddha: 9/2
Azah Awasum 18/1
Xavier Prather 25/1
Tiffany Mitchell 50/1

Odds to Win the Next Head of Household Competition on Big Brother 23:

Hannah Chaddha: 1/1
Xavier Prather: 3/1
Kyland Young: 17/2
Azah Awasum: 12/1
Tiffany Mitchell: 20/1
Derek Frazier: 50/1

Disclaimer: The odds posted in this article are for illustrative purposes only, as wagering on such props is not currently legal in any U.S. state. The data was based on betting markets offered by UK/European/worldwide operators regulated in jurisdictions where wagering on these props is legal.