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Big Brother Betting Odds Slightly Favor Claire Rehfuss to be Evicted Next




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Oddsmakers Predict Closest Eviction Yet in Big Brother’s 23rd Season

Claire Rehfuss is the odds-on favorite to be evicted next on Big Brother’s 23rd season, according to betting aggregators. With 8/11 odds of being sent home next (57.9% implied probability), Claire slightly edges out Derek Xiao, who had 5/4 odds of being evicted next (44.4%). 

“Though Derek X. is the current Head of Household’s target, the bookies slightly favor Claire to be the one evicted during what may be the most split eviction so far,” says a US-Bookies spokesperson. “Claire and Derek X. have the closest odds among any houseguests that were on the block this season, suggesting bookies were more confident in every eviction prior to this one.” 

Since last week, Xavier Prather’s odds to win season 23 of Big Brother improved from 3/2 (40% implied probability) to 13/10 (43.5%). While he’s still the favorite, Tiffany Mitchell is close behind, and she also improved from 18/5 (21.7%) to 12/5 (29.4%). Tiffany’s nearest competitor is Kyland Young, who worsened from 8/1 (11.1%) to 10/1 (9.1%) since last week. 

“Kyland’s odds worsening seems significant because practically everyone else in the house, besides the two on the block this week, improved to some degree,” says a US-Bookies spokesperson. “And the first jury member being someone evicted during his HOH reign likely won’t work out well for him should he make it to final two.” 

Xavier is the favorite to win the next Head of Household competition. At 3/1 odds to be the next HOH (25% implied probability), Xavier holds a lead over Tiffany Mitchell, who has 19/5 odds (20.8%). Hannah Chaddha follows at 5/1 (16.7%), with Kyland Young just behind at 19/2 (9.5%). 

Odds to be Evicted Next on Big Brother 23:
Claire Rehfuss: 8/11
Derek Xiao: 5/4

Odds to Win the Next Head of Household Competition on Big Brother 23:
Xavier Prather: 3/1
Tiffany Mitchell: 19/5
Hannah Chaddha: 5/1
Kyland Young: 19/2
Alyssa Lopez: 12/1
Derek Frazier: 16/1
Azah Awasum: 25/1
Derek Xiao: 80/1
Claire Rehfuss: 100/1

Odds to Win Big Brother 23:
Xavier Prather: 13/10
Tiffany Mitchell: 12/5
Kyland Young: 10/1
Hannah Chaddha: 12/1
Azah Awasum: 16/1
Derek Frazier: 25/1
Alyssa Lopez: 33/1
Sarah Beth Steagall: 60/1
Claire Rehfuss: 100/1
Derek Xiao: 100/1

Disclaimer: The odds posted in this article are for illustrative purposes only, as wagering on such props is not currently legal in any U.S. state. The data was based on betting markets offered by UK/European/worldwide operators regulated in jurisdictions where wagering on these props is legal.